This is us... We strive to love... we love to laugh... we are trying to live life to the fullest! ...This is our ADVENTURE!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Random Stuff!

Soooooooo........ We haven't been on here in a while. Just been busy with work and schooling. I, (Charles), have been running nonstop for the past 3 weeks with school. And I, Casey, have been working like crazy!! :0)

I don't know how we missed April... Sheesh, I guess it's just been busy! We moved from our apartment to a much bigger and better apartment across the street. That was a very last minute decision that kinda rocked our world for a few weeks. It took some getting settled again! So, here we are, trying to get back into the swing of things.

Charles has just started his 4th phase of classes. He is doing so well and I'm SOOOOO proud of him! He's excelling in every class, mentoring and tutoring other students, volunteering his free time to help with community projects and even is helping to establish the first wyotech student chapter of the SAE. It's pretty cool! No wonder he's always tired!!!

Has it really been four months? Wow! We made it through the winter and almost through the spring. All of you people who want to know what spring is like... imagine a Florida winter... you know, when the weather can't make up it's mind! It snowed right before Easter... then it got up into the eighties... then we were back and forth with rain and sun and rain and sun... now there's a frost warning for tonight... oh, and we had our first thunder storm this evening. PA doesn't know what a thunderstorm is!!!!! It was weak! I miss Florida thunder storms!!!!!

My parents came to visit Easter weekend. It was so great to have them here!!! They even surprised Charles and brought his lil' sister, Elizabeth. I've never seem him more surprised!!! He was so happy!!!! That weekend Charles and I also celebrated our first anniversary. Our first year together has been amazing!! We've learned a lot about each other and how to love. He's such a great husband! God is good! (all the time) I think that being up here and having only each other has been a good thing as newlyweds. It's good to get away and be strong together... only us and the Lord! (and a few friends we have made along the way!)

Work is going good for me. I like it, but it's definitely not something I want to do forever! I'm still praying about what I'm gonna do later... but for now, it's good.

We started going to a different church that's a much much smaller and more intimate church. I'm not sure if we'll keep going there or not, we're just trying to hear from the Lord.

Other than that there's not much going on...
We're just taking one day at a time.

We love you all and miss you tons!!! Hopefully we can visit soon!!!

~Casey & Charles