This is us... We strive to love... we love to laugh... we are trying to live life to the fullest! ...This is our ADVENTURE!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The end of SUMMER????

It's September first and the first signs of Autumn are beginning to show. The past two nights it has been in the 40's. I love fall! I can't wait to see the leaves change. When the weather begins to turn colder it makes me feel alive. I feel as though change is coming and good things are ahead of me. It's exciting!

Charles and I are doing well. Falling more in love with each other and our Lord and Savior Jesus everyday. It's amazing what this time alone has done for us. I know that the Lord is doing things in Charles and I that would be much more difficult if we had friends and family constantly around to call upon. Here we only have each other. (and the Lord of course)

Charles is excelling in school. His grade last phase was a 99.7! I'm so proud of him! He loves what he's doing and learning. I love watching him thrive! As a wife it's very cool to see!

My amazing hubby got me a kitty. He swore he would never let me have a cat and then all of a sudden he said I could get one. Her name is Sachi.

She is so much fun! Evie doesn't know what to think of her. She likes to chase her and then just sit and watch her. Sachi isn't scared of Evie but every once in a while she will stop and give Evie a good BAAP on the nose. It's funny. We hope they will be friends.

We will be home in Florida for Christmas! So excited about that! My parents bought us tickets and I was able to take of work. We were worried that it wouldn't happen but had decided that we could just stay here and have our first Christmas together just the two of us, but my parents said NO WAY and that family needed to be together. We are very happy that we can spend time together with them! (I guess we won't have a white christmas) :0)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


So it’s the middle of July and the temp gets down to 49 degrees at night. Everyone here says this isn’t typical, but I (Casey) wouldn’t know different. It’s been gorgeous here as of late… Sunny and warm (during the day it gets to the mid 70’s - 80’s). I’m loving my sunshine… I don’t know how people live in places that don’t get much! Can you tell I miss Florida???

Speaking of Florida, Charles and I were able to come down for a week in June to see family and friends. It was a crazy whirlwind of a trip, but much needed! Every minute was planned out with meeting people and trying to cram some quality time. I wish I could have seen more people. It wouldn’t have been possible without the help of my parents who not only bought our tickets down there, but also helped supplement my paycheck for the days that I would have to take off work. My mom also let us use her car while we were there so we could drive to Ocala and Cocoa to see our peeps there. My parents keep blowing us away with how much they have helped us!! They are amazing!! Anne and Steve were a huge help too and gave us a generous check to help settle our minds about money. That was a huge surprise and I’m so grateful for them!! I can’t wait for the day that Charles and I will be able to be financial blessers too!! Someone’s in need???… no thought, just write a check!!! … letting the Lord lead us. We’re believing for that day!

Thank you to all of you who gave up time, work, money or even a room in your house for Charlie and I to come down and stay in Florida and to get to see you! You all mean the world to us! We can’t wait to be surrounded by all of you again! It looks like we only have 9 more months before we’ll be leaving PA. Of course, we’re praying and believing for a job offer for Charles in Florida… and close to Jacksonville, but we are willing to go where the Lord leads.

Work is going well for me. I feel more and more competent at my job everyday. (which is a very good thing) It’s been 5 months since I started and I’m just now starting to be able to talk to customers about products and services while doing the transactions. This job really is harder than it seems. There’s also so much fraudulent things happening that you have to almost be nosey with the customers to make sure that they aren’t victims of fraud. (or trying to commit fraud) I don’t think the banking world is right for me, but it is good for now and good to learn something new!

I’m finally painting again!!! (YAY!!!!) My landlady put up my paintings in her store and on her website and is actively trying to sell them. I’ve sold one so far and hopefully will sell them all!!! I realized that I was created to create and I need to use my gifts!! I want to be productive with my hands… I need to be! I have felt so distant from myself if that makes any sense at all. I didn’t really feel like me…. I hate having to be a part of corporate America to make any money and I want to get back to what I enjoy and what my talents are… so I’m finally painting again. :0) (I’ll try to stay off my soapbox)

Now I just need to start playing guitar and singing again…. Charles has been a huge encouragement in getting me to do the things that I love so much! I’m so thankful for him!!

Charles is doing amazing in school still! He’s finished his core and is now working on his first elective. He comes home with stories of what cars he was able to work on and how much he’s learning. I love seeing him so motivated and driven. I know that coming up here was a huge confidence booster for him. He’s in his niche and it’s such an empowering thing. I’m proud to be his wife!!! He is an amazing husband!

***Correction to previous post*** I had said that Charles is helping found the student chapter of the SAE (standard for automotive excellence) at wyotech… I was mistaken. It is actually the Society of Automotive Engineers. He’s still helping found it, I just had the name wrong.

Ok, well, I think that about sums up life here for now. Really not too much new. I’ll try to keep updating and being a little better about how often I do update things!!!

We miss you and love you FLORIDIANS!!!! (and others) :0)


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Random Stuff!

Soooooooo........ We haven't been on here in a while. Just been busy with work and schooling. I, (Charles), have been running nonstop for the past 3 weeks with school. And I, Casey, have been working like crazy!! :0)

I don't know how we missed April... Sheesh, I guess it's just been busy! We moved from our apartment to a much bigger and better apartment across the street. That was a very last minute decision that kinda rocked our world for a few weeks. It took some getting settled again! So, here we are, trying to get back into the swing of things.

Charles has just started his 4th phase of classes. He is doing so well and I'm SOOOOO proud of him! He's excelling in every class, mentoring and tutoring other students, volunteering his free time to help with community projects and even is helping to establish the first wyotech student chapter of the SAE. It's pretty cool! No wonder he's always tired!!!

Has it really been four months? Wow! We made it through the winter and almost through the spring. All of you people who want to know what spring is like... imagine a Florida winter... you know, when the weather can't make up it's mind! It snowed right before Easter... then it got up into the eighties... then we were back and forth with rain and sun and rain and sun... now there's a frost warning for tonight... oh, and we had our first thunder storm this evening. PA doesn't know what a thunderstorm is!!!!! It was weak! I miss Florida thunder storms!!!!!

My parents came to visit Easter weekend. It was so great to have them here!!! They even surprised Charles and brought his lil' sister, Elizabeth. I've never seem him more surprised!!! He was so happy!!!! That weekend Charles and I also celebrated our first anniversary. Our first year together has been amazing!! We've learned a lot about each other and how to love. He's such a great husband! God is good! (all the time) I think that being up here and having only each other has been a good thing as newlyweds. It's good to get away and be strong together... only us and the Lord! (and a few friends we have made along the way!)

Work is going good for me. I like it, but it's definitely not something I want to do forever! I'm still praying about what I'm gonna do later... but for now, it's good.

We started going to a different church that's a much much smaller and more intimate church. I'm not sure if we'll keep going there or not, we're just trying to hear from the Lord.

Other than that there's not much going on...
We're just taking one day at a time.

We love you all and miss you tons!!! Hopefully we can visit soon!!!

~Casey & Charles

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Wow... I can't believe we've been here for three months! It's been an interesting ride!

The snow has finally melted and the days are getting warmer. It's spring but seeing as how I've never really experienced spring I don't know what it's supposed to be like. haha. I've seen little signs of life in some plants, but almost all the trees are still barren. Charles and I were just talking the other day about how we'd really like to see some GREEN!!! The snow was beautiful, but I'm ready for some color in my life again! Hopefully soon!!!

Charles just finished his second phase of school. He got second in his class for the first phase, perfect attendance for both and we're still waiting to here how he did on his second final. I'm so proud of him! He's doing so well!!!

I have been working for PNC bank as a teller for almost 2 months now. It was very intimidating at first to be handling people's money all the time, but I got used to it pretty quick. I really do like it! I get to build relationships with the people I work with as well as with my regulars. It's fun to try and remember people and their names. I miss my regulars at LH and my coworkers there, but it's nice to be doing something different! Hopefully I'll be able to find something in Florida when we decide to head back. (Praying and believing that we will be heading back!!!)

Charles has been asked to help found the student chapter of the SAE. (standard for automotive excellence) This means that he could possibly go to automotive engineering school. We're really excited about that!! I'm so proud of him for stepping out and finding his niche!!! :0)

We miss our family and friends a whole bunch!!! My parents are coming up for easter (and our anniversary)... it will be SO great to see them!!!! I miss them tons!!! We are hoping that Charles' family can come up in the summer some time or that we could make it down to FL. It's hard for Charles to get off school. He's on spring break right now but even that only lasts 3 days plus the weekend.

So, we just moved again. It was nice to have some help from some new friends. Chad and May are a couple that we met when we went snow tubing with the young adults at church. Charles and Chad have a lot in common and May and I have fun when we hang out. She's super sweet! We actually hang out with them almost every weekend. They were a HUGE help with the move, across the street. LOL! We just moved to a bigger and better apartment from our other one. It's nice not sharing utilities with the neighbors and feeling safer and more secure! Evie loves it here too. She will run back and forth from the back bedroom to the living room for no reason. It's funny to watch.

I think that's about it for new stuff. OH, Charles' bday is tuesday march 31st. He said yesterday after moving that he was getting too old for all this. I laughed!!!! (and haven't stopped teasing him about that) He's a funny man! He makes me so happy... He really is an amazing husband and takes such good care of me!!! I love him!!!!!

Miss you all tons!!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Georgie, Steelers, Jobs and more snow!

So, we've been here for over a month and have had a relatively easy time adjusting. Of course we both miss our friends and family very much, but we are enjoying our time with each other as well as with some new found friends.

The temp has ranged from -6 to 45 since we've been here but usually stays around 25. Charles and I attempted to make our first snowman on Saturday and had a wonderful time. His name was Georgie. (I say "was" because it was in the forties on Sunday and Georgie was no more!) We also had some fun jumping into snowbanks and throwing snowballs at each other! Sunday was a great day too! There's nothing like watching the Steelers win the Super Bowl in true STEELER country!

YAY, Pittsburgh Steelers!!! :0) People are serious about their football up here!!!!

I got a job! I start training for a bank here on Monday. I'm very excited! Charles is actually about to head out the door for an interview. We're hoping that he can be able to work and do well in his classes. I'm sure it won't be a problem for him! I don't know when I'll get to see him, but this is only for a season.

Evie is adjusting well to the weather and was acting like a puppy in the snow. She was attempting to help us with our snowman by running around us and back and forth. It was quite a sight! I think she is enjoying all the attention!

I will post some more pics soon. Love you all!!


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Getting settled!

It's been snowing for what seems like days! LOL! It's only a little bit falling, but boy does it pile up quick! I ventured out in it today to run some errands. It was only 18 degrees. How fun is that! I'm enjoying getting all bundled up and stuff. It's been fun! I've learned how to scrape the windshield and shovel snow. I also learned that you can't forget to scrape the side view mirrors. haha!

Charles is still loving his school and became his class leader for the SAC (student advisory council) today. I'm so proud of him. He basically listens to his fellow students and brings stuff up to the council every week. He also helps plan fun things for them to do. He was voted in by his classmates and got 48 out of 52 votes. Pretty impressive I must say! He came home very excited! It also will look good on his resume.

I'm still looking for a job and have a couple of leads. I know that I'll find the right one soon! :0) Trusting the Lord that He will provide!

We went to our second church this past Sunday. It was a lot bigger than what we are used to. It's very multi-cultural, which I loved! The worship was amazing and the teaching very real. We still have a couple more to visit (yes, the list has grown) before we decide. We know that the Lord will lead us in that too! He's faithful and has a place for us! A place where we can get involved!

We hung out with my friend Jon's parents the other night and watched the Steelers game. They are really an amazing family! We felt so comfortable talking with them. Even Charles jumped right in feeling at ease. You know that's a miracle! George and Dee are really a great blessing to us. Dee even gave me some wool socks to keep my feet toasty! While we are away from our parents we have stand-in parents who are willing to be there for us. It's really a great feeling! Nothing could ever replace the real deal (we love you mom, dad and ms karen) but it's nice to have a parent figure close by. George and Charles really hit it off too... they had lots to talk about.

Anyhoo, I guess there's not much more new to share. We miss our friends and family so much! I've been crying a lot... and trying not to smother Charlie when he gets home from school. He's longing for some guy friends too! Hoping to make some more friends soon! One of Charles' classmates is married and wants to hang out with us. He also gave my number to his wife so we can get together for coffee or something. She's in her mid 20's and is looking for a job too. I'm excited and hope that we can all become friends! We've got big plans for the steelers game this weekend! GO Black and Gold!!!! (people are the craziest i've ever seen about football here!!) Can't wait for our precious team to go all the way! (no I haven't forgotten about my Jags...)

Okay, I think that's it! We miss you guys and hope to talk soon! Love YOU!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The New Year Update!!!!!

Our new year has been really exciting so far. We have met new people, seen snow, made some new friends, gone to a new church, and had a lot of time together. For our new years, we got invited to go over to one of Casey's friend's brother's house. It was a little disconcerting for me at first because I did not know what to expect and had been acting like a jackass in front of said friend the day before. It turned out to be a very good night for the both of us. I got to entertain and be entertained by their Wii. It turns out that I'm pretty bad at MarioKart. I kinda rock at Star Wars though, (so watch out). Casey got to meet some girls that it looks like she might hang out with in the future. I certainly hope so. She needs friends like I need a new set of tires :-). All the time. We ended up leaving there around 2ish. Good thing we didn't have to get up early.

We have had to spend so much money getting our apartment into liveable shape. It just felt so old that we had to go out and get those little things that made it ours. We got a sweet carving of hibiscus flowers that we got to paint and make our own. She does the big stuff, I do the details. We had to make a screen for our shower because all the hot air escapes and made it pretty uncomfortable. Our bathroom is missing the top foot and a half of wall so all the air that usually stays in and makes it comfortable to get out into, just floats away. Not anymore though. Mr. Incredible, AKA me, modified a shower curtain so that it would contain the heat and keep my baby comfortable. We had to buy a few other things like shelves, a microwave, random crap that you don't know you need until you need it. Things like that. Thank God we had a $500 gift card to Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Made our life a lot easier. (Thank you cousin Kay) <--Casey told me to put that in because its one of those things I don't normally think about :D

We went out with some guys from last night to a really awesome place called the Rose Tea Cafe. Its a small place on the outside of Pittsburgh that serves authentic Chinese, Cantonese, and Taiwanese cuisine. Thats a lot of "nese". LOL . We had a great time meeting the people that I am probably going to be spending my free time with. Casey liked them too which is a good thing. She rated them as "Non-Jackasses", for now at least. They seem like a pretty cool group of guys and I already am starting to get hooked up with parts and stuff. Makes daddy happy!!

Went to Cornerstone Ministries Community Church today. Seems pretty cool. More info on whether or not we'll go there will be put up later. We still have 2 more churches to try out before we make up our mind. ;)

School starts on Tuesday!!!!! Can't wait. I am so ready to be back in a learning environment where I am expected to ask questions instead of being expected to already know what they're talking about. I'll be learning a lot in an accelerated course. It starts with the basics and moves on into advanced automotive diagnostics and electronics over the course of 6 months. After those 6 months are over, I'll be starting my first elective, High Performance Powertrain. Basically making things go faster reliably. After that Elective I am taking two more, Hot Rod and custom sheetmetal fabrication, and High Performance Chassis Fabrication. So when I'm done in 15 months, I'll be able to design a car, build the frame and body, and then build a motor for it. It will be awesome!!!

Can't wait to see all our friends when we get back.