Charles and I are doing well. Falling more in love with each other and our Lord and Savior Jesus everyday. It's amazing what this time alone has done for us. I know that the Lord is doing things in Charles and I that would be much more difficult if we had friends and family constantly around to call upon. Here we only have each other. (and the Lord of course)
Charles is excelling in school. His grade last phase was a 99.7! I'm so proud of him! He loves what he's doing and learning. I love watching him thrive! As a wife it's very cool to see!
My amazing hubby got me a kitty. He swore he would never let me have a cat and then all of a sudden he said I could get one. Her name is Sachi.

She is so much fun! Evie doesn't know what to think of her. She likes to chase her and then just sit and watch her. Sachi isn't scared of Evie but every once in a while she will stop and give Evie a good BAAP on the nose. It's funny. We hope they will be friends.
We will be home in Florida for Christmas! So excited about that! My parents bought us tickets and I was able to take of work. We were worried that it wouldn't happen but had decided that we could just stay here and have our first Christmas together just the two of us, but my parents said NO WAY and that family needed to be together. We are very happy that we can spend time together with them! (I guess we won't have a white christmas) :0)